Everybody Get your Greaux On!

The Seed Library is accessible at both the Cultivating Cultures workshop and the various branches of the Slidell library, serving our vibrant community. Enclosed below is a comprehensive roster of all the seeds housed within our library, accompanied by their relevant information. Please note that this list is consistently updated on a daily basis, given the expansiveness of our seed collection. We appreciate your patience as we continue to expand this resource, and we encourage you to avail of this invaluable asset for acquiring the knowledge to provide nourishing sustenance for your family.
"I recEIved my Spring Grow Pack now what?"
Cultivating Culture is a community garden that focuses on helping people grow their own food and learn about sustainable farming. Our goal is to bring people together through growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers in their own backyard or community space.
We provide a variety of seeds and plants to get you started, along with helpful information about how to nurture your plants and produce. When you receive your seed pack, come to Cultivating Culture to review information on how to grow them and get tips on how to take care of your garden.
Spring Grow Pack

Veggie - variety
BASIL (H) - TONY SCAVO - Ocimum basilicum Intensely flavored, aromatic Basil will produce well if harvested regularly. The leaves have prominent veins and serrated edges and grow about 15” tall.
Direct Seed - 1/8” Deep
Germination - 5 to 30 Days
Thin - 4-6 Apart
Light - Full Sun
Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors when soil is warm and temperature does not drop below 65°F. Can also be started indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. Sow successively for a steady supply. Pinch back flower stalks as they appear to keep plants from bolting. Prefers rich, well-drained soil.
Bea's Friend 0786 - Bee's Friend (Phacelia tanacetifolia)
This annual bears subtle lavender-blue flowers with curved spikes that not only put on a show in your garden but also attract and support many species of bees. Often used as a cover crop, this plant's common name is a translation of Bienen-freund, German for
"bee's friend." Annual, 12-24° tall.
Direct Seed
1/8* Deep
Learn To Grow It
7-12 Days
4-12° Apart
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in early spring when soil is cool and a light frost is still possible; seed must be well covered. Does very well in dry gardens.
BEETS - CYLINDRA 0346 - Cylindra (Beta vulgaris)
The elongated 5-6" roots of this Danish variety resemble a carrot in shape, which allows gardeners to plant its seeds closer together than globe-shaped beet varieties. The edible roots can be sliced into uniform round slices and have an enticing fine-grained texture. Additionally, this easy-to-peel beet has sweet dark-red flesh that's free from rings, making this variety an excellent choice for pickling, baking, roasting, and steaming. 46-80 days.
Direct Seed
2" Apart
Learn To Grow It
Seed Depth
Rows Apart
4-6" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Seeds will germinate in 5-10 days.
Keep planting in two-week intervals for a continuous harvest. All parts of the beet plant are edible.
Broccoli RAAB - spring rapini
-De Cicco
Bush Beans - Jade
Bean - Black z Valentine
California Poppy
Cantaloupe - Divergent
Carrot - Curroda
Dragon 1190 - Dragon (Daucus carota)
This carrot's beautiful red-purple exterior provides a striking contrast to its yellow-orange interior and light-yellow core. A treat for the eye when sliced, it has a sweet, almost spicy, flavor that makes this carrot a home gardener's favorite and a best-seller at specialty and farmers' markets. Considered the most refined purple carrot available, it was bred by Seed Savers Exchange member John Navazio. 90 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1/2" Apart
Seed Depth
Rows Apart
To 2-4" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost, or as soon as soil can be worked. Keeping soil moist throughout the germination period is important to success. Misting the planted area daily or covering is recommended. Carrots are slow to germinate and need steady moisture until germination. Sow successively throughout the season for fresh carrots.
Danvers 0357 - Danvers (Daucus carota)
Historic variety - Introduced to the US. seed trade before 1950
This carrot was developed in the late 1800s in the town for which is it named: Danvers, Massachusetts.
A leading variety for home and market gardeners alike, this variety stores well and produces high yields even in clay and heavy soils. Its bright-orange flesh is nearly coreless, sweet, and tender. The uniform roots grow up to 8" long. 65-87 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1/2" Apart
Seed Depth
Rows Apart
To 2-4" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost, or as soon as soil can be worked.
Keeping soil moist throughout the germination period is important to success. Misting the planted area daily or covering is recommended. Carrots are slow to germinate and need steady moisture until germination. Sow successively throughout the season for fresh carrots.
RedSun -
Rainbow Mix
Scarlet Nantes
Tender Sweet
Cauliflower - Early Snowball
Cilantro (H) (Coriandrum sativum)
The fresh leaves of this herb, commonly known as cilantro, are used in a variety of Asian and Latin cuisines, but its seeds are also collected and used as a spice called coriander. Successive sowings of this annual herb, which bears umbels of white flowers before it sets seed, will ensure a steady supply of its edible leaves throughout the season. 50-55 davs to first leaf harvest, 90-120 days for seed. Annual, 1-2' tall.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1/2" Deep
10 Days
8-10" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors after last frost. May als, be grown as a fall crop. Prefers rich, well-drained soil.
Ciantro has a tendency to self-sow.
Chard - Swizz
Corn - golden bantam improved 0367A - Golden Bantam Improved (Zea mays)
Historic variety - Introduced to the US. seed trade before 1950
Producing an early crop for home gardeners and market growers, this historic variety has an excellent sweet flavor and is ideal for freezing and fresh eating. The original strain of Golden Bantam was introduced by
W. Atlee Burpee in 1902, and this improved strain was selected for even longer ears and greater tenderness.
70-85 days.
Direct Seed
4" Apart
Learn To Grow It
Rows Apart
4-21 Days
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors I° deep after danger of frost has passed. For good pollination and full ears, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows instead of one long row. Thin seedlings to 8" apart. Corn is a heavy feeder and does best in well-drained, fertile soil with plenty of water.
Country gentleman
-Sweet Corn - Stowells Evergreen Large 8-incheors are filed with tender white kernels. Sweet Flover. An old-fashioned favorite. One of the best for canning and table. Remains in table condition longer then most.
Seed directly outdoors in short rows side by side, forming a square or block of plants. Sow I seeds together every 20 inches. When seedlings ore 3 inches tell thin to 2 seethings every 20 inches Allow 2 plants to grow together for support and better pollination. Harvest when the silk turns brown and termels spurt milky juice when punctured.
Days to
Deys is
Cucumber - Armenian 1357 - Armenian (Cucumis melo)
(aka Snake Melon, Serpent Cucumber) Looks and tastes like a cucumber but botanically a melon. Crunchy flesh is burpless, never bitter, and makes great pickles.
Prolific output, performs especially well in hot climates.
Light green ribbed fruits grow up to two feet long; they grow straight when trellised but tend to twist when grown on the ground. 50-75 days.
Direct Seed
1" Deep
Learn To Grow It
Seeds to Hill
6-8 Seeds
To 3-4 Plants
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after the last frost when soil is warm. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 2-4 weeks before the last frost for an earlier harvest. Cucumbers benefit from consistent moisture. Provide support for vines to save space.
Lemon - Cucumis Sativus - This easy to grow, prolific cucumber gets its name from its lemon yellow color and round shape. These beautiful cucumbers have a sweet, mild flavor without the bitterness. More tolerant of cooler temperatures than other cucumbers.
75 days to maturity.
Days to Germination Soil Temperature Light Requirements
7 - 14 Days
70° F
Full Sun
Planting Depth
Plant Spacing
Growing Instructions: Directly sow to warm soil in a sunny spot. For earlier cucumbers, begin seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before planting out-doors. Take care not to disturb roots when transplanting. Provide a support for vertical climbing.
Eggplant - Long Purple Prolific Italian-style eggplant with glossy pusle skin and white flesh. Mild flavored fruit is perrect for slicing and using in your favorite Italian and Asian récipes.
Days to Ger
Light Requirements
Full Sun
Planting Depth
Plant Spacing
Growing Instructions:
Start seeds indoors 8-12
weeks before last frost. Sow seeds into flats and transplant to cells after first true leaves emerge.
Harden off plants for a week before transplanting outside when daytime temperatures reach 65°. Keep soil consistently moist throughout growing season.
Kale - Black Magic
LEEK - GIANT MUSCLE BERG 0639 - Giant Musselburgh (Allium ampeloprasum)
Historic variety - Introduced to the US. seed trade before 1950
Also known as Scotch Flag, this historic Scottish variety, introduced in the early 1800s, produces enormous leeks that are 9-15" long by 2-3" in diameter. Its tender white stalks and dark blue-green, fan-shaped leaves have a mild flavor and will take on sweeter tones as temperatures drop. Cold-tolerant, it is also a good buncher for market gardens. 80-150 days from transplant.
Learn To Grow It
Start Indoors
Germination PlantOutdoors
4-6 Weeks before
5-7 Days
6" Apart
Rows Apart
last frost
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep and space 1" all directions. Transplant as soon as soil can be worker spring. Hill or mound soil around stems several times blanch as leeks grow.
-BLUE Solaise
1548A - Mantilia (Lactuca sativa)
A large and beautiful chartreuse butterhead that scored in the top 10 in Seed Savers Exchange's 2010 lettuce tasting of over 70 varieties. This mild, tender, and sweet lettuce has floppy leaves and is slow to bolt.
First offered in the 2005 SSE Yearbook by Margaret Lauterbach of Boise, Idaho. Butterhead, 60 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
7-14 Days
To 10" Apart
Instructions- Sow successively for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.
0634 - Slobolt (Lactuca sativa)
Historic variety - Introduced to the US. seed trade before 1950
Introduced in the mid-1940s by the USDA's
Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, this variety produces large, thick clusters of light-green, frilled leaves all summer. As its name suggests, this variety is very slow to bolt. Pleasing flavor, never bitter. Looseleaf, 45-55 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
7-14 Days
6-8" Apart
Instructions- Sow successively for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.
0380A - Crisp Mint (Lactuca sativa)
Also known as Erthel, this standout lettuce is one of the best romaine varieties. The tender lettuce leaves bear a striking resemblance to mint, and offer both excellent lettuce flavor and classic romaine crispness.
The compact heads grow upright to about 10" tall.
Introduced by the British seed house Thompson & Morgan in 1978. Romaine, 45-55 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
7-14 Days
To 10" Apart
Instructions- Sow successively for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.
Bunte Forellenschluss 0844 - Bunte Forellenschluss (Lactuca sativa)
'The butterhead companion to the Forellenschluss romaine. "Bunte" means "colorful" in German. Sweet apple-green leaves splashed with maroon, forms a loose
8-10" head. Butterhead, 40-55 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
7-14 Days
To 10" Apart
Instructions- Sow successively for a constant supply of lettuce. Best grown in cooler weather. Plant in full sun or partial shade.
Little Gem
Lolla Rosa
Marigold -
Melon - Prescott Fond Blanc 1034 - Prescott Fond Blanc (Cucumis melo)
Historic variety - Introduced to the U.S. seed trade before 1950
Documented by Vilmorin in Les Plantes Potageres (1883).
This cantaloupe was once a favorite of French market gardeners. Fruits weigh 4-9 pounds and have beautifully warted skin and dense, sweet flesh. Almost too pretty to eat! The fragrance when fully ripe is incredible. Like all rock melons, Prescott will not slip from the vine. Good drought tolerance. 85-95 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
I" Deep
Seeds to Hill
6-8 Seeds
To 3-4 Planks
Full Sun
Instructions- Melons love heat. Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Space hills 6' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 2-3 weeks before last frost.
Okra - Clemson Spineless
AAS winning okra that grows tender, spineless green pods on 5 feet tall plants. Pods can reach 6-9" long, but are most tender and delicious when harvested at 3". Delicious to eat, whether fried, in gumbo, or pickled. 60 days.
Days to Germination Soil Temperature Light Requirements
7 - 15 Days
70° - 80° F
Full Sun
Planting Depth
Plant Spacing
Growing Instructions: Soak overnight or scarify seeds by nicking the hard seed coat to improve germination. Start indoors 3-4 weeks before setting out to transplant. Take care not to disturb roots. Or, for direct seeding, sow outside after soil has warmed to 70°.
Burgundy okra stays tender up to 6" and yields vigorously. This gorgeous plant can double as an edible ornamental. Attracts hummingbirds and makes a beautiful statement for your garden.
Days to Germination
Soil Temperature Light Requirements
Full Sun
Planting Depth
Plant Spacing
Growing Instructions: Soak overnight or scarify seeds by nicking the hard seed coat to improve germination. Start indoors 3-4 weeks before setting out to transplant. Take care not to disturb the roots. Or, for direct seeding, sow outside after soil has warmed to 70°.
ONION - Bunching - Evergreen Grown exclusively for green, bunching onions. The crispness and mild flavor of this variety make it delicious as an appetizer or relish. Super in salads!
Planting Instructions:
Sow directly in garden in full sun and well-drained soil, placing 2-3 seeds per inch. Thin to 3 inches apart when plants are 3 inches tall.
When onions are pencil-thick, begin pulling for table use.
Use thinnings and green stems in your favorite recipes to replace chives.
Days to
Days to Harvest
Row / Plant
12" / 2459
PARSLEY - Triple curled
Pea - green Beauty
-champion of England
-Bill Jumps Soup
-British Wonder
Snap Sugar Daddy 'Snap Sugar Baddy
stringless, sweet, crisp and fully-edible pods
Grow Guide
No need to thin. Use a trellis (fence-like staki or other support for vines. Horvest when peas enlarge in the pods.
Plant Seeds Outdoors
Full Sun
1° Planting
( 1 1/2" Spacing
7-14 Days to Germination
58-65 Days to Harvest
3" Pod Size
PEPPER - ROOSTER SPUR 1467A - Rooster Spur (Capsicum annuum)
Heirloom variety - Saved and shared by generations of home gardeners
Rare variety from SSE member Virgil T. Ainsworth of Laurel, Mississippi. Grown in his family for more than 100 years. Two-inch-long, tapered, fire-engine-red peppers borne erect on 2' plants. Traditionally used to make Rooster Pepper Sausage. Also excellent dried and ground for chili powder. Ideal for container growing.
95 days from transplant. Hot.
Learn To Grow It
Start Indoors
8 Weeks before
14 Days
last frost
12-24" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm.
QUADRRATO ASTI GIALLO 0406A - Ouadrato Asti Giallo (Capsicum annuum)
Large, blocky bell pepper from Italy. Green peppers ripen very slowly to golden-yellow and have thick, crisp flesh with a delicious, sweet-spicy flavor when either green or yellow. 70-80 days from transplant.
Learn To Grow It
Start Indoors
8 Weeks before
14 Days
last frost
12-24" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm.
Prairie Blazingstar (Native Plant) - 0964 - Prairie Blazingstar (Liatris pycnostachya)
One of the most spectacular and majestic of the prairie plants. Large spikes of tightly bunched magenta flowers bloom from the top to the bottom of the stalk. An excellent cut or dried flower. Grows 3-4' tall. Perennial.
Hardy to zone 4.
Start Indoors
6-8 Weeks before planting out
Learn To Grow It
12-15* Apart
Instructions- Seed germination is increased by a
30-day cold treatment. Place seeds in slightly damp paper towels in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Seed can also be directly sown into a prepared seedbed in fall, or in early-to mid-spring. Requires a rich loam, clay, or slightly moist sandy soil.
Pumpkins - Grizzly Bear
Purple Praire Clover (Flower) 0965 - Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea)
Offers bright purple blossoms mid-summer through fall. Stunning when planted with Butterflyweed, Black-Eyed Susan, and any of the shorter prairie grasses, this important prairie legume fixes nitrogen in the soil.
Grows 1-3' tall on most well-drained soils ranging from dry sand to clay. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4.
Start Indoors
In Early
Learn To Grow It
12" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors just beneath surface of soil. Also easy to grow when sown directly into a weed-free seedbed in mid-spring to early summer. Very drought-tolerant once established.
RADISH - PHILADELPHIA WHITE BOX 1302A - Philadelphia White Box (Raphanus sativus)
Historic variety - Introduced to the US. seed trade before 1950
This spicy radish is a dependable variety for open cultivation or forcing in boxes and can be sown in early spring or early fall. Listings for the variety date back to 1890, when it was offered by the oldest seed house in the United States, D. Landreth and Sons, which was established in 1784. 30 days
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
Rows Apart
2-3" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors as soon as soil can be worked in spring. Plant in full sun. Successive plantings can be made every 3-4 weeks throughout summer and fall to provide a continual harvest.
Early Scarlett Globe
Nero Tondo
SALSIFY - MAMMOTH SANDWHICH ISLAND 1554 - Mammoth Sandwich Island
(Tragopogon porrifolius)
Historic variety - Introduced to the U.S. seed trade before 1950
Originally native to the Mediterranean, this variety dates to at least the 1880s and is sometimes called Sandwich Island. Salsify is known as the Vegetable Oyster due to the uncanny oyster-like flavor of its edible roots, which also makes it ideal for use in soups and stews. This variety's long, tapered roots average 8-10" long and 1" in diameter and have a creamy-white skin and white flesh. 120 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
Rows Apart
2-3" Apart
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Seeds will germinate in 3 weeks.
Salsify prefers a deep, friable soil and is most delicious after a frost. Dig roots in late fall.
Spinach - Viroflay
0656A - Bloomsdale (Spinacia oleracea)
Historic variety - Introduced to the U.S. seed trade before 1950
Producing vigorous upright plants with dark-green, glossy, savoyed leaves, this variety is very tender, with an excellent flavor. Plant grows to 10" with 2-3"-long leaves. A quick-growing variety that produces heavy yields, Bloomsdale is ideal for late spring or summer plantings. It is also slow to bolt. Developed in 1874 by D. Landreth & Sons seed company of Philadelphia.
39-60 days.
Learn To Grow It
Direct Seed
1" Apart
Seed Depth
7-14 Days
6-8" Apart
Instructions- Spinach grows best in cool weather and should be planted in early spring or late summer to produce a fall crop. For best yields, harvest continually and make successive plantings every 10 days.
Squash - Sphagetti 0317 - Spaghetti (Cucurbita pepo)
This historic variety originated in Japan and was introduced to the United States by the mid-1930s by seedsmen such as Henry A. Dreer of Philadelphia. Plants bear cream-colored, cylindrical shaped fruits filled with spaghetti-like strands of delicately flavored flesh. 50-55 days.
Direct Seed
1" Deep
Learn To Grow It
Seeds to Hill
6-8 Seeds
To 3-4 Plants
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out.
Sugar Snap Peas -
Sphagetti Squash - 0317 - Spaghetti (Cucurbita pepo)
This historic variety originated in Japan and was introduced to the United States by the mid-1930s by seedsmen such as Henry A. Dreer of Philadelphia. Plants bear cream-colored, cylindrical shaped fruits filled with spaghetti-like strands of delicately flavored flesh. 50-55 days.
Direct Seed
1" Deep
Learn To Grow It
Seeds to Hill
6-8 Seeds
To 3-4 Plants
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out.
Summer Squash - Early Prolific Straight Neck
12in pot
Days to Germinate 7-10
Depth - 1inch
Spacing - 3ft
55 Days to Harvest
April - August
Cucurbita spp.
SEED SPECS: Seeds/b.: Zucchini: Avg 3.400. Yellow Summer:
Avg. 5,500. Patty Pan/Round: Avg. 4,500. Avg. Direct Seeding Rate: 250 soeds/83*, 500 soods/106', 1.000 secis/333°@ 3 seeds/ft. rows 6' apart. Packet: 30 seeds, sows 10
CULTURE: Prefers fertile, well-drained soil weth a pH of 5.8-6.8.
Transplant - Start seods indoors in pots or ceil type containers 2-3 weeks before transplanting. Sow 1-2 seeds/coil and thin to 1 plant with scissors. Transplant out 12-24° apart rows 5 6' apart. Be careful not to disturb roots and water well. Transplaning avoids germination problems often associated with direct seeding.
Direct seed - Sow beginning in late spring, after danger of frost, when soil temp. is at least 70°F/21°C. Sow 3 seeds every 12-24" (thin to 1 plant), ½-1" deep; or sow about 4° apart (thin to 1 plant/12-24") in rows 5-6' apart.
DISEASES AND PESTS: At time of planting, cover with fabric row covers to protect from insect pests. Control cucumber beetles, squash bugs, and vine borers with azadirachtin or pyrethrin. Control of cucumber beetles early in the season is important, as the insects spread bacterial wit disease. Prevent disease with crop rotation and good sanitation.
HARVEST: Sow every 2-3 weeks for consistent supply. Cut or gently twist off fruits at ideal size. For zucchini, 5-8* long; summer squash,
4-7" long; and patty pan/round, 2-3" diameter. Handle with care to avord scratching or bruising fruits. Harvest regularly, 2-3 times/week depending on age of plants, weather, and daylight Refrigerate al
32-50°FIO-10°C 80-90% RH for 1-2 weeks.
HARVEST SQUASH BLOSSOMS: Male blossom has thin stem, female has thick stern and immature fruit at the base of the flower.
Harvest male/female blooms at midday, when blooms are fully open, for use in salads or for stuffing. If squash crop is desired, harvest only male flowers being certain to leave a few to pollinate female flowers.
Clip flowers from vine 1-2 inches below flower base with sharp scissors or pruners
Sunflower - Strawberry Blonde
Sungold - A dwarf "Teddy Bear" type fluffy sunflower that grows from 24°-36*. Bountiful 4° blooms last a long time as a cut flower. Multiple blooms per
Soil Temperature Light Requirements
70° - do° F
Planting Depth
Plant Spacing
Growing Instructions: Select a sunny location with well-drained soil. Plant after all danger of frost is passed. Cultivate soil and lightly firm over seed Keep moist, but not soggy. Mature sunflower plants prefer drier conditions.
Tomato - beams yellow pear
AMISH PASTE 0107A - Amish Paste (Solanum lycopersicum)
Bright red 8- to 12-ounce fruits vary from an oxheart shape to a rounded plum form. With delicious flesh that is juicy and meaty, they are excellent for sauce or fresh eating and are a favorite of many gardeners for this reason. Tom Hauch of Heirloom Seeds commercialized this variety in 1990. It was acquired from the Amish near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. One of Slow Food USA's Ark of Taste varieties. Indeterminate, 85 days from transplant.
Start Indoors
6 Weeks before last frost
Learn To Grow It
24-36" Apart
Cage, stake or trellis
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.
CREAM SAUSAGE 1314 - Cream Sausage (Solanum lycopersicum)
A uniquely colored variety bred by SSE member Thomas Wagner and named Banana Cream. Introduced by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in 2004 as Cream Sausage.
Yellow elongated plum-shaped fruits with meaty flesh and pleasantly mild flavor. Great for salsa and salads.
Productive bushy plants do not require staking, excellent for containers. Determinate, 80 days from transplant.
Start Indoors
6 Weeks before last frost
Learn To Grow It
24-36" Apart
Cage, stake,
or trellis
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.
BLACK FROM TULA 0251 - Black from Tula (Solanum lycopersicum)
Russian variety imported by SSE from seedswoman
Marina Danilenko. First listed in the 1996 SSE Yearbook.
Described by one SSE member as "the ugliest, most delicious tomato I've ever grown." Good yields of brownish-red slightly flattened globes weighing up to 14 ounces. Rich full flavor, great for slicing and canning.
Indeterminate, 75-85 days from transplant.
Start Indoors
6 Weeks before last frost
Learn To Grow It
24-36" Apart
Cage, stake, or trellis
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.
Aunt Rubys German green - 0249A - Aunt Ruby's German Green
(Solanum lycopersicum)
Heirloom variety - Saved and shared by generations of home gardeners
Family heirloom from Ruby Arnold of Greenville, Tennessee. Introduced to SSE in 1993 by Bill Minkey of Darien, Wisconsin. Large beefsteak fruits weigh one pound or more. Sweet juicy flesh with a hint of spiciness.
Ready to harvest when soft to the touch and yellow-green in color. Indeterminate, 80-95 days from transplant.
Start Indoors
6 Weeks before last frost
Learn To Grow It
24-36" Apart
Cage, stake, or trellis
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.
Hillbilly Potato Leaf 0979 - Hillbilly Potato Leaf (Solanum lycopersicum)
This variety produces a heavy crop of absolutely gorgeous bicolor beefsteak tomatoes, perfect for slicing. Streaks of red on the blossom meld into the sweet and juicy yellow flesh. This quirkily monikered variety was passed along to us by Ohio Seed Savers Exchange member Jerry Lee Bosner. Indeterminate, 85 days from transplant.
Start Indoors
6 Weeks before last frost
Learn To Grow It
24-36" Apart
Cage, stake, or trellis
Instructions- Sow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Tomatoes are sensitive to freezing temperatures, so wait to transplant outdoors until the soil is warm. Plant in full sun.
Cherry - Sungold; Black Cherry
German Johnson
Turnip - Hakurei
Watermelon - Citron Red Seeded 1240 - Citron Red Seeded (Citrullus lanatus)
Not your typical watermelon, white flesh is hard and tasteless when raw. Citron has been grown for centuries and used to make preserves, pickles, and "sweetmeats."
This variety has vivid red seeds and a light green rind with dark green stripes. Fruits can be stored for up to a year.
Extremely productive, drought tolerant, and resilient.
90-100 days.
Direct Seed
1/2" Deep
Learn To Grow It
Seeds to Hill
6-8 Seeds
To 3-4 Plants
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed.
Space hills 8' apart in all directions. Seeds will germinate in 4-10 days. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before transplanting out. Watermelons love heat and prefer sandy or light-textured soils.
Zinnia - Oklahoma Pink
Oklahoma Salmon
Zucchini Squash - Mexicana
Black Beauty (Cucurbita pepo) Expect a bountiful harvest from these compact, everbearing bush plants, loaded with glossy green-black fruits with firm and slightly white flesh. Best eaten when under 8* long. Excellent variety for freezing. A
1957 All-America Selections winner developed by John Searchuk at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment
Station, 45-65 days.
Direct Seed
1" Deep
Learn To Grow It
Seeds to Mill
68 Seeds
To 3-4 Plants
Full Sun
Instructions- Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6' apart in all directions. Zucchini can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out.
classic Italian heirloom with edible fruit and flowers
Grow Guide
Plant seeds outdoors in groups of 3, thinning to strongest seedling per group. Continually harvest to encourage additional fruit.
Full Sun
1/2" Planting
5-10 Days to Germination
plant Seeds Outdoors
Mar-Apr, Sep
45-60 Days to Harvest
6-8" Fruit Size